
Grow+ gives you the deep insights you need to get your people interested, engaged and taking agency over their development


Assessed Attributes


The benefits of engaged employees are rich. Our assessments get people interested and engaged in their own development. Taking agency of that path is critical to higher performing individuals and teams.

What motivates your team? Through assessment insights, the manager can take proactive steps to connect with, engage, and recognize employees’ unique “care-abouts”—ultimately improving performance and retention.

High performance does not necessarily indicate high potential. What’s the risk that a high potential employee will fail to reach a senior position? How many quiet gems are hiding? Ensure you identify and nurture your true high potentials.

Use Cases

Our tools can help you assess the potential of an employee and identify areas for development, enabling you to get the highest level of productivity out of an existing team member in their current role.

Eudara can help you determine bench strength and find better internal candidates, while identifying areas for development to help guarantee success in their new role. Eudara provides an objective, unbiased approach that keeps people engaged while alleviating tensions or perceptions of unfairness.

We can help you create a “Team Profile” from individual profiles. These can be used in team building sessions to help your people understand each other better – and see the impact of individual profiles on team dynamics more clearly. Team strengths and blind spots are identified, and action items for change can then be developed.

Get a clearer view into underlying personality dynamics that may either be at the root of conflicts or be preventing people from understanding each other.

Our deeper, more accurate insights can help you identify career paths that make the best use of your strengths.

Our Process

The candidate completes the assessment.  A report with results, clarifying questions and potential ‘hot’ spots is sent to the sponsor for the next step with the person. Of course, we’ll walk you through with a professional hand until you get the hang of it.

Eudara - Assessment tests for hiring, Business and industry hiring , Cognitive assessments for hiring

People insights you can trust, at your fingertips

Our assessment methodology can help you secure the right talent for your organization. We’ll take a methodical approach
to helping you uncover the information you need so you can make better hiring, promotion and talent development decisions.